Delicious Iced Crio Bru Recipe

Woman reading book about to enjoy an iced crio bru

Iced Crio Bru is a refreshing and invigorating take on the popular brewed cacao beverage. Crio Bru is a brand that specializes in roasted and ground cacao beans that you can brew like coffee but enjoy with the benefits of dark chocolate. Since it’s made from cacao, it’s naturally rich in antioxidants and contains theobromine, a gentle stimulant that provides an energy lift without the jitteriness of caffeine.


For a delicious Iced Crio Bru recipe, you’ll need:

  • 1/4 cup of Crio Bru grounds
  • 16 ounces of cold water
  • Ice cubes
  • Sweetener of choice (honey, maple syrup, or sugar)
  • Milk or milk alternative (optional, for creaminess)
  • Vanilla extract or cinnamon (optional, for added flavor)


1. Brew the Crio Bru grounds using cold water in a French press or any cold brew system you prefer. Let it steep in the refrigerator for 12 to 24 hours, depending on how strong you like it.
2. Once steeped, press the grounds and pour the brew into a glass filled with ice cubes.
3. Add your preferred sweetener to taste and stir well.
4. If you like it creamy, add a splash of your favorite milk or milk alternative.
5. For a hint of extra flavor, consider a drop of vanilla extract or a sprinkle of cinnamon.
6. Stir once more, and enjoy your chilled, chocolatey beverage on a hot day or as a delightful pick-me-up!

This Iced Crio Bru recipe is not only a satisfying way to quench your thirst but also a healthier alternative to sugary iced coffees or soft drinks, giving you a guilt-free treat that’s both delicious and beneficial.

Related: If you want to see more delicious iced coffee alternatives recipes visit my other blog articles.

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